Gabriel Peters and The Bait Shop Gang is coming SOOOOOOOON!
Have you caught up on the GP series? To date this series has proven to my most popular children's work. Ages 8-14 is the most common reader. I talk to parents every week that tell me they love the series because they don't have to worry about their kids reading inappropriate material. This is most commonly a comment from a mom who has a precocious third or fourth grader and I have had great comments from Middle Schoolers especially on The Gabriel Book of World Records.
SO, I have an offer to my readers here on the blog. If you order the first four books in the series the fifth book will be sent to you for free when it comes out. Estimated date of arrival is November 5, in time for holiday gift giving. Also, if you already own any of the GB series, please feel free to substitute for any other chapter book or poetry book here on my website. The deal is basically four books, get one free.
The first 100 copies of Gabriel Peters and The Bait Shop Gang will be first editions, signed by both me and the illustrator, John Woods.
I can't wait to get the reviews from my readers who have been demanding THE MAN IN THE WOODS, since they are getting the story within this book!