The book process of a NERD in progress
On July 8 I posted a blog about the inspiration of this upcoming book - I Think My Dog Might Be A Nerd. (please scroll down to see). Since then I have been hard at work rewriting, refining, rethinking aspects of the book. The companion book I Think My Cat Might Be A Geek is the same.
I had an opportunity to visit a middle school and talk about my process on this book and my intention to take away the sting of a common name calling word. They really responded well, especially when I told them to come be in my Nerd Herd. The coolest acting kids in the library suddenly wanted to belong with a group of people identifying themselves as Nerds. I simply explained a dictionary terminology of the word - A Nerd is someone who has a fascination and expertise on a subject of interest to him or her. The actual dictionary states - an intelligent but single-minded person obsessed with a nonsocialhobby or pursuit. I went on to explain that it is only nonsocial until you find a social group who has the same passion and pursue it!
There's just something about dogs and personification that makes talking about an issue like verbal bullying and nerdism relevant and easy to talk about for a middle schooler.
John Woods and I have been meeting and discussing and planning and sketching and working through the book and some other NERD products to support it. It is really fun to collaborate with my good friend John and his talent is unmatched. As we started working through it we both realized the Nerd Dog aka Ber-Nerd or Grrr-Nerd needed to be a bit looser. I posted on Instagram and Facebook two images to see what people preferred and the new dog is far far ahead of the original. If you'd like to be a part of these little forums, please go to my Facebook page The Justin Matott Library ( or my Instagram account, nickname hashtagjustinmatott.
The Nerd dog is soon to be sporting such things as a blue-tooth attachment to his sunglasses, bow ties and other things to make him NERDY and DASHING!
And just wait until you meet the star of The companion book - I THINK MY CAT MIGHT BE A GEEK!
Nerd Dog Version One
Nerd Dog Version Two
Ber-Nerd in action!