Mr. Justin Matott came to Meadowlark and instantly gave vibes that quieted over five hundred 10 to 12-year-olds, which is not an easy feat. He began telling tales of his childhood that both engaged and resonated with the students. His stories reached out to those who are bullied and those who bully; those who are big, and those who are small; and even those who are adopted. Mr. Matott spoke from the point of view of a bullied young man who used his resources, and his older brother, to overcome the challenges he faced. He then involved the students in a writing workshop that they were sad to see end. The students raved about his visit, describing him as “hilarious” and “the Kevin Hart of book writing!” We would highly recommend having him visit your school to speak to and inspire your students.
Meadowlark Elementary (Visit February 2023)
The Details:
We can plan YOUR day to meet YOUR objectives by email or by phone.
Because I focus on both literacy and anti-bullying subjects there are grants and financial opportunities available to defray the school’s outlay.
There have been a few occasions where I have visited a Title One school that a grant was provided to pay for the visit AND a book for each student signed and personalized. If you are a Title One school and need assistance getting an author visit, I can work directly with you to help.
My Professional Fee for local school visits (within 40 miles of 80108) for a full day, including 2 assemblies and 2 workshops for $1200.
The most common day usually includes an assembly for 1-3 and then 4-6 and two workshops for the intermediate students by grade groups. I can handle any size workshop. I will be happy to stop by the Kindergarten room to speak briefly with those students if you prefer they not be in the assembly.
Additional assemblies and/or workshops are $275 each. The day can be adjusted to suit YOUR school's needs.
Minimum school visit includes the half day option includes:
two assemblies or one assembly and one workshop or two workshops and is $600.
Evening events are $500 and best performed after a daytime visit to the school.
For schools outside of the Denver metro area, the minimum is $1400 per day.
For schools outside Colorado the minimum is $1500 per day.
Travel expense at $0.75 per mile driven, round trip (mapquest from 80108 for mileage) and other expenses such as parking at airport paid by school district.
Schools pay lodging, travel expenses, and meals ) I prefer not to have school lunches please, after over 500+ school lunches in the past years I have to request non-school lunches. (Per diem for meals @ $15 for breakfast, $20 for lunches and $35 for dinners.
I have visited out of state locations for a week at a time, seeing numerous schools and being involved in literacy meetings and parent nights. This is good for a school district to pool resources to share expenses for travel and lodging.
Books ordered by students and staff prior to the school visit day will be supplied on the day of my visit.
Please see the calendar link on my website and select several dates which work for you and send your date requests by email request to me at