Meet a teacher who cares!

Hi, I spend much of my time in schools doing presentations with some dynamic teachers and am able to observe them in action. I always marvel when I am in an exceptional teacher's classroom and I get to see the magic taking place with the students. As I thought about the fact that my parents, who were both teachers were the kind of teachers people have told me made a difference in their lives, I thought about the fact that I live with one of those life-altering teachers now.
This particular teacher is one of those teachers few students ever forget. She is kind (super easy on the eyes), loves her students (even the ones that make it hard to love them) and is really good at getting the subject matter to stick! Everywhere I go in my community it seems a parent or a student will comment to me about how great Mrs. Matott is.
In addition to teaching middles schoolers, she "learns me some things" every so often too. She is my first reader and having been a language arts teacher, she is my first editor. She tells me when I am repetitive, when I am poignant, when I am misspelling, when I am funny, when I am not, when I have hit the mark and when the mark has hit me. She is THE BEST! She is the mother of my sons, the woman I call wife and she is the best friend I have ever had! Talk about the proverbial "better half"!