Comments from two school visits; to a Middle School and a K-8

What a wonderful treat. Thank you so much for having Justin Matott visit our school. It was perfect timing because it connected so well with our unit of study. Their teacher felt Justin greatly influenced student understanding of a writer's life and his approach to the craft of writing. Our middle school students really enjoyed his presentation. One group of students said it was the best assembly they had ever attended. Justin's ability to connect with students is wonderful. Thanks again for a wonderful opportunity
-Yvonne Miller, Library Media Specialist, Sagewood Middle School

Justin's visit here to Excel Academy was fabulous.
Besides all of the logistics working smoothly, his presentations were over the top. He kept the full attention of over 120 4th & 5th graders for over an hour. One minute they were howling with laughter, and the next they silently had all eyes on him.
He managed the same rapport, though on a smaller scale, with about 30 middle-schoolers, which by some may be considered an even greater task! They crowded around him afterwards to ask more questions and get personal advice on their own writing. His message resounded loud and clear: that all kids, even nerds like he was, want to be noticed, and you never know what kind of person they will grow up to be.
I highly recommend Justin Matott for school visits, and feel grateful for his time with us here.
- Andi Johnson, Library Media Specialist, Excel Academy LIS