Okay kids, another proof that kids CAN AND DO get published!

For all of you kiddoes who have asked me if a kid can publish his or her books, here is proof!

I suggest one of you girls get busy and write How to Talk to Boys!

Film Rights: How to Talk to Girls
Twentieth Century Fox has optioned the rights to 9-year-old Alec Greven's How to Talk to Girls, the first of a four-book series from HarperCollins, which is a sister company to Fox. According to Variety, "The film deal encompasses all four volumes. The studio hasn't set a writer yet or assigned a producer . . . Fox bought the book preemptively, before Greven began logging airtime on TV shows including The Today Show and Ellen."

The 9-year-old from Castle Rock, Colo. – billed by American media as a "pint-sized pickup artist" after the release of his first book titled How to Talk to Girls, a 46-page collection of his schoolyard observations – has gone Hollywood.

Twentieth Century Fox has acquired the film rights to his book, which he wrote for a school assignment last year. Teachers liked the book so much they made copies to sell at the school book fair. Local media came calling first and then Ellen DeGeneres, who arranged for the boy to meet with HarperCollins in New York City. A spokesperson for Gotham Group in Beverly Hills, which reps Greven, confirmed yesterday the Fox deal is solid.