Excerpt from a recent interview regarding the 6 book series of GABRIEL PETERS!
One morning on a bike ride, I just happened to bump into a man with a television camera, boom mike and an assistant. Many questions were asked. I will be posting some of the answers here on my blog...
BY THE WAY, the second book is called The World According to Gabe, the third (done) is called The Gabriel World Book of Records. Any teachers who have or are reading Go Ask Mom as a read aloud in class, who would like to read some of the chapters from the next two books, please contact me at justin@justinmatott.com. I covet your comments. I am busily working on the 4th book as well as a "chapter book" about a Gargoyle who is in a southern California garden who is awakened and must find his way back to the Notre Dame to free his family! Also a time travel book for mid-grade readers that is a blast to write and I hope will be a blast to read!