Hi there, I am working on several dog books right now. A Colorado History time traveling canine host, a mix and match book and a picture book along with many poems for my POOCHIFIED Poetry book. I am looking for inspiration from my readers, SO, if you have a special pooch in your life, or any pet that you would like to see immortalized in the pages of a book, please send me your pet's pic, name a few things about her or him that would make them interesting as characters in the books. You may send this information to me at IF I use your pooch, I will their likeness, name or characteristics and will make mention of that on the thank you page as well as sending you and your special pooch a signed copy of the book when it comes out, so be sure to include your address.

This pretty pooch is my Tootsie Roll, aka TOOTS or strangely DUDITZ (they somehow grow into nicknames, don't they?). She was dressed as a mouse for Halloween. She is a wonderful "blue" Italian greyhound and my constant canine companion. She runs with me, goes along with me on mountain bike rides and often is curled at my feet as I write. DOGS ARE THE BEST! The beauty holding her is my wife, Andy.
Justin MatottDOGSComment