The Summer of Mysteries - Book 4 in GP series
The Summer of Mysteries - Book 4 in GP series
This is the fourth book in the GP series. In a neighborhood chock-full of mysteries, it is only proper that the Secret Detective Club should go underground, so now they are in the crawlspace for their secret meetings planning how to solve the mysteries that have been surrounding Skyview since the beginning of time. Upon discovering the MOST WANTED posters at the post office and the similarity to one of the shady characters living among them the boys start dogging his trail. All the while their older brothers continue to torment them. A hilarious uncle from down south will visit and entertain the group as they set about solving the missing underwear caper, hire some bodyguards in a plan that backfires on almost everyone involved and finally will get to the bottom of the Indian in the lake and the folklore of the dead dog in the lake, too. Surrounded by ZOMBIES, VAMPIRES and RABIES, what will become of the Secret Detective Club during the summer in which they all begin to grow up and travel out of their country neighborhood and venture into the nearby town where the mysterious girls will perplex the Secret Detective Club more than any other mysteries have?