Don't judge a book by the cover...
Super Squirrels
ideas for the book I am writing?
"Author stuff", "BOYS", "FUNNY", "GOOFY", "Gabriel", "INSPIRATION", "My chapter books", "THE GABRIEL BOOK OF WORLD RECORDS", "WRITE NOW", "Writing", "inspiration for upcoming chapters", "weird stuff", "write"Justin Matott
"BOYS", "CONTEST", "FACEBOOK", "HELPING OTHERS", "READING BUG", "THE GABRIEL BOOK OF WORLD RECORDS", "WEBSITES", "book review", "books to read", "marketing", "social networking"Justin Matott
If a tree falls in the forest...
Illustrator Laurie McAdam demonstrates our iPad App
A Picture is worth a THOUSAND WORDS!
"Author stuff", "BOYS", "CATHOLIC SCHOOL", "DREAMS", "FUNNY", "GIRLS", "GOOFY", "HOORAY", "INSPIRATION", "awesome"Justin Matott
Aliens in the news!
If only for one child...
"Author stuff", "FACEBOOK", "Gabriel", "Go Ask Mom", "INSPIRATION", "Illustrators", "TEACHERS", "THE GABRIEL BOOK OF WORLD RECORDS", "THE WORLD ACCORDING TO GABE", "books to read", "bullies", "bully", "bullying"Justin Matott
He Blinded me with Science
How to get a Valentine IS COMING TO YOUR IPAD/IPHONE!
"Aliens", "Alphabet", "Author stuff", "GOOFY", "Upcoming books", "WEBSITES", "WRITE NOW", "Writing", "animals", "iPad", "iPhone", "mix n match", "picture books", "write"Justin Matott
This is the coolest thing!
Honest review by a youngster, nice!
"Gabriel", "KIDS NOT READING MY BOOKS", "Kids reading my books", "My chapter books", "My overcoming bullying series", "QUOTES", "THE GABRIEL BOOK OF WORLD RECORDS", "WRITE NOW", "Writing", "book review", "books to read"Justin Matott
Guaranteed to WARM YOUR HEART!
In my newest book, Gabe is up to his old tricks!
"Author stuff", "GOOF and GROW", "Kids reading my books", "My chapter books", "My overcoming bullying series", "THE GABRIEL BOOK OF WORLD RECORDS", "WRITE NOW", "Writing", "books to read", "bullies", "bully", "bullying"Justin Matott
Love Coldplay? How about some Christmas Coldplay?
A voice. A story. A thankful person.