If a tree falls in the forest...
I stopped blogging a month ago today and it's like the riddle says: "If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?"
It is a philosophical riddle that raises questions regarding observation and knowledge of reality. BUT, in the case of my blog, I just wonder if I am blogging to hear myself type.
I do have teachers, students and friends comment about something they read on this blog from time to time, but after several years of doing this with only 34 blog followers , I think it might be time to hang up the blogging fingers. (OF COURSE, I REALLY APPRECIATE THE 34 OF YOU!)
I started blogging because of the format, short story, short ideas and sharing what I thought might be interesting tidbits, because of my job, what I usually write requires many many hours of writing an rewriting and a blog is just a spur of the moment MOMENT!
IF my blog is interesting to you and you would like to see more, please email me at justin@justinmatott.com or comment here.