Need to get back to this style of communication
I have recently finished a seven book time travel novel set and am hoping to find an agent who would be interested in introducing it to the world. I’ve had a recent disappointment with an agency that made a lot of promises and then nothing came of it. I am hopeful there is an agent out there who will be interested in bringing this time travel saga to the world. I think it might be my very favorite thing I have written and that gives me high hopes that it will soon find a wonderful audience.
The first book told by a middle school student travels back in time to spend the summer with his own dad when he was just thirteen. Each book builds on the story and incorporates more time travelers in Sawyer’s life. There is a mystical portal that transfers the person backward and forward in time and those who have read some of it feel I have found something unique and fun that hasn’t been done before. My hope is that my audience who has enjoyed my Gabriel Peters series will also enjoy this. It has been pure fun to write and in the same way my emotions with Gabriel’s gang has been the same. I simply miss my characters and often feel the pull to add just one more book just to return to the world I invented.
But, I think the way the series ended makes it complete and satisfying for the reader. I hope the books are in a library and bookstores near you soon. IF anyone knows an agent who is looking for something like this, please have them email me at
Thank you for reading my first blog in over two years. I hope you are having a fantastic day! Justin