Sometimes we just need a little HELP!
This picture reminds me of what kind of a kid I was. It seems apt because my post is relating to some of the building blocks of my personality that were brought back to me because of a great book and movie called THE HELP which brought out many feelings and sorrows and joys for me. My hope is this is a reflection of something important and a reminder to go back to those touch points in our life that made you who you are today!

Having grown up in the sixties/seventies with an uncle who was African
American myself, it was a real treat to observe inbred prejudice in my
own neighborhood (sarcasm intended). Most kids were just extremely
curious (some in the white bread neighborhood I grew up in) had simply
never been up close with a person with dark skin and someone so
"different". But I got into my first real fist fight when one of the
boys called my uncle the N word and related a comment his parents had
passed on about us "letting him stay in our house", WHAT IGNORANCE!
When I won that fight I felt in some ways as though I had lost. My
uncle pulled me aside and told me he was both very proud and very
ashamed of me. He was raised in Alabama and saw
too much fighting over racial issues, thus moved to Europe to a more
tolerant atmosphere. I never raised a fist against racial prejudice
afterwards, but I NEVER remained silent when someone was subject to
racial bullying and never will.
The next summer however I got
into another fist fight when one of the kids made fun of my VERY
overweight auntie who was visiting. She was JUST PROUD of me.
Having been raised with "dark features" myself and having been an
adopted child with little heritage to draw from, I was called names
because of my very easily tanned skin.
I was very, very
fortunate to be raised by parents who "loved all" regardless of color,
political bent or even sexual orientation. I say even because in those
days there was VERY little tolerance for this, but it was my mother who
invited those college students into my childhood home and I am richer
for having known so many different people.
pray that I am just a tad bit like her. The Hilly's of the world are
always going to be there, but if we each raise our children to simply
"LOVE ALL GOD'S PEOPLE" the world will be better for it AND THAT
INCLUDES the accepted prejudice against Muslims that so many are now
COME ON FELLOW HUMAN BEINGS, let's just get rid of
the scapegoats and start to find our own security so we don't have to
subject others to the PUSH DOWN that makes some feel bigger...
"BOOK CLUB", "FAITH", "HELPING OTHERS", "INSPIRATION", "bullies", "bully", "bullying"Justin MatottComment