The words and pictures from an "Optimist"

"The Northwest Denver Optimists were privileged to sponsor local author, poet and storyteller Justin Matott at Trevista at Horace Mann.

He is a dynamic speaker. I wish you all could have heard his message. Below are photos of him during the three assemblies.

The students were not disappointed.

After lunch Justin held two workshops in the library.
This is the time the students learned how, as an author, he organizes his thoughts, his ideas and how he writes, rewrites and rewrites some more.

At the end of each workshop the kids gave Justin the workings for a story. Then while the students worked on their "verb boxes", he wrote poetry. You will see the ideas and the start of a story/poem below. It was amazing. Again, thanks to everyone who supports the Optimists with their time, talents and monies. Because of YOU, these kids were winners today."

My thanks to the wonderful people in
The Optimist Club of Northwest Denver, who care so much about their community. I had the wonderful opportunity to have lunch with the librarian, Cat, who is one cool cat for sure and Trish, who's life is seriously one of a hero. It is SO wonderful to spend time with people who have such rich, full hearts for children! I love my "job"!