Illustratorbooknotcomingoutassoonasexpected phobia
It was announced earlier that The Gabriel Book of World Records was coming out Fall of 2009. SCREECHING HALT is what you just heard in the background...
Things are sailing along, book 3 is coming along well, editor is happy, I am happy, illustrations are looking great and then BAM! I got an email from the new illustrator of the Go Ask Mom series, who is working toward a past deadline, with the subject line: Take a deep breath, go to you're happy place then look at the attachments.

SO this one can be filed under Illustratorbooknotcomingoutassoonasexpected phobia

Things are sailing along, book 3 is coming along well, editor is happy, I am happy, illustrations are looking great and then BAM! I got an email from the new illustrator of the Go Ask Mom series, who is working toward a past deadline, with the subject line: Take a deep breath, go to you're happy place then look at the attachments.
SO this one can be filed under Illustratorbooknotcomingoutassoonasexpected phobia