After our jog today, coming home to the SQUIRREL!
Tootsie aka Batman Matott (named thus by my son) got the scent of a squirrel in the trap. SHE WENT NUTS! Then we spotted a mother robin, who swooped both Toots and me on the way to her nest on MY drainspout on MY house, but that did not stop her from swooping low to make sure we didn't get too close...

The Toots found a great place to take a nap. Yeah, easy for her. I am the squirrel's school bus, carting them to and fro, mostly fro...
Bob Ross, the old network television painter is the one pictured. It is amazing what you can find when you google... get it FRO???

Bob Ross, the old network television painter is the one pictured. It is amazing what you can find when you google... get it FRO???