The Sky Is Not Falling! Let's laugh! Let's focus on the positive! Let's READ!
When I was a boy I remember my Dad telling me the story about Chicken Little and assuring me that my world was in fact NOT crashing down. The sky would still be blue in the morning, soon enough the low, dark clouds that had momentarily taken over the sky would drift away and sure enough the storm that was troubling me passed.
As an adult I FRACTURED the old story about Chicken Little in my book The Sky Is Falling - Little Chicken Charlie and it has become the book kids tell me is my funniest yet... How many times have we heard the sage old saying: "Laughter is the best medicine!"?
So, if you need a good laugh, pull out a copy of The Sky Is Falling or The Diary of a Wimpy Kid or Arnie the Doughnut or The Stinky Cheese Man or a Roald Dahl book (any of them will do) or a Dr. Seuss book, my favorite being Yertle The Turtle. If you need some sage advice, take it from Jerry the Dog, my narrator in The Tails Tales of Mr. Murphy and you will find as you read that you are smiling, then chuckling, then laughing and all of a sudden those things that were weighing SO heavily will fade away... at least for the moment those low, dark clouds will drift away.