PLEASE NOTICE the illustrator edit. The original image for the book was simply the diary (shown lower). THEN, Mr. Matott remembered what kind of trouble a young boy (him) could get into with friends and siblings if he carried it that way, hence the change. What do you think of that?

Hi there, I thought readers of GO ASK MOM - STORIES FROM THE UPPER BUNK, might want to see some of the very cool visuals in the new book. Lisa Tarr, who illustrated the first book is hard at work finishing up the illustrations for the second book titled, THE WORLD ACCORDING TO GABE. Please see some of the illustrations at Lisa Tarr's website ;
Also, I would love to hear from you. I am spending a good amount of time on keeping this blog site and hope someone out there is reading it. I have no way of knowing. Please send me an email if you enjoy reading this. I need some encouragement to continue doing this. Thanks, Justin Matott, email address:

Hi there, I thought readers of GO ASK MOM - STORIES FROM THE UPPER BUNK, might want to see some of the very cool visuals in the new book. Lisa Tarr, who illustrated the first book is hard at work finishing up the illustrations for the second book titled, THE WORLD ACCORDING TO GABE. Please see some of the illustrations at Lisa Tarr's website ;
Also, I would love to hear from you. I am spending a good amount of time on keeping this blog site and hope someone out there is reading it. I have no way of knowing. Please send me an email if you enjoy reading this. I need some encouragement to continue doing this. Thanks, Justin Matott, email address: