Happy New Year 2008!
Hello to all of you, my fellow readers. 2007 was a great year in many ways. I hope your 2008 will be a wonderful year and will bring you rewarding and enriching experiences!
In 2007 I got to visit many schools and meet a lot of my readers. I did my grandparent residency in three schools, which is always one of the most rewarding experiences I have as an author.
My latest collaboration with Laurie McAdam came out to great response - ALIENS - All Mixed Up was a big hit for the holidays and has its official release day today. If you have seen, read or own the new aliens book, please do me a favor and visit amazon.com to add your review of the book. This year I am going to try to contract with a major publisher to take my books over and reader reviews can make the difference!
I am currently working on five projects, have just finished my final edits on the sequel to Go Ask Mom and am about 3/4 done with the third in the series. I am working on picture books, a poetry book, a new mix and match book, another fractured fairy tale and a novel for tweens which deals with time travel and relationship between a boy and his father, who mysteriously has become his friend, at the same age.
I didn't blog in 2007 because of time restraints, but I am committed to do so if there are readers of it this year. Please post comments to let me know you are reading my blogs (everyone needs encouragement to continue on).
I will be posting excerpts from upcoming projects and poems that will be appearing in new books or just appearing here.
Take care and have a very happy and safe 2008!
Kiss your dog today!
Justin Matott