Over the years, I have received many letters and emails about my school visits. These are a few of my favorites and I will be adding more voices to the list. I'd love to add YOURS!

"I was very impressed, no, I was amazed at the way he held the children’s
attention! Justin held their attention because he tapped into each child’s
creative nature. He showed us all how to use the stories of our lives as a
basis for writing… Since his visit, I have used many of Justin’s ideas in our
workshops… His emphasis on vocabulary development has significantly improved
how we teach vocabulary during our writing workshops. Justin has a heart to
communicate. He is passionate, funny, entertaining and very capable of
teaching six trait writing. I wholeheartedly recommend Justin Matott!"
Sincerely, Chris Branson, Literacy Support Teacher

"Wow!" "Awesome!" "He was funny!" These are just a few of the many positive
comments I heard from students as they walked back to their classrooms after
your assembly at our school. Responses to your Creative Writing Workshop with
our Fourth graders were equally zealous… Teachers felt their students walked
away with a better understanding of the writing process and saw the power of
the revision and editing processes. Your presence at our book fair made it a
HUGE success!" Melinda Miller, Building Resource

"I thought it was going to be boring to listen to some old guy talk about writing, but it really was fun to write a story with you. I want to be an author someday too now." Eighth grade student

Teachers and students alike are all ears when "Nathan" raises his hand to read
his poetry to his sixth grade classmates during Justin Matott's Author in
Residency Program. Looks of surprised gladness are exchanged between teachers
as "Nathan" (who previously sought attention inappropriately or just didn't
participate) proudly reads his work. Justin somehow manages to create a safe
environment for all writers. Matott translates his own gift for writing and
storytelling into a simple process that kids can understand. He teaches
students how to plant their own seed of a story, and with the love of a
gardener, he teaches them to prune, trim and transplant the ideas into a
finished product. Candace Story, Library Information
Specialist, Governor's Ranch Elementary, Littleton, CO