Quote from Autumn 2017
Our students loved Mr. Matott's visit to our school! They learned that great stories can be written by being attentive to the events happening in their everyday lives. Both his message about bullying and his message to the bullies were well-received and really hit home. Our students left his assemblies inspired to write their own stories!
Andi Johnson @ Fairmount Elementary Digital Teacher Librarian
Quote from October 2017
Justin Matott is an amazing storyteller. Our 3-5 grade student body was engaged the entire time he spoke. His personal connections to his characters hit home with student issues such as bullying. The many voices he used for his characters kept students on the edge of their seats. All of our teachers thought it was well worth their time. His books are inspirational and the kids were motivated to read his books multiple times after Justin's visit.
Jan D. Gilmore - Teacher Partner/SAC @ Fletcher Community School
Quote from October 2017
"Parmalee Elementary was thrilled to welcome Justin Matott back to our school. His high-energy presentation had students rolling with laughter, and inspired to write their own stories. One parent came to tell me her boys had both talked about the author visit all afternoon, and both now plan to become writers when they grow up. Students were even excited to write a thank you card to Mr. Matott, so they could tell him how much their cheeks hurt from laughing, or how his stories made them feel empowered to stand up for friends and themselves. We will definitely invite him back soon!
- Anne Stylianou, Digital Teacher Librarian @ Parmalee Elementary
Quote from October 2017
Justin's spirit and energy are transferred to students of all ages. They are mesmerized and inspired by his anti-bullying message, humor, and relatable stories from his youth. Teachers soak up his words and carry them back to the classroom where they can reference Justin's visit for years to come.
- Angie Wagner, Digital Teacher Librarian @ Devinny Elementary
Quote from October 2017
Justin hit the target when he visited Tarver Elementary. His stories reinforced the positive traits we teach our students and he inspired some our most reluctant writers. Maybe a future Caldecott Medal Winner was sitting in the audience.
-Chris Trujillo, Principal @ Tarver Elementary School
I just want to say that both J___ and M____ were really moved by Justin Matott. We had multiple conversations last night about how to take the power away from bullies. Thanks so much for bringing in great speakers and exposing them to his message.
Parent from Fairmount Elementary
"Mr. Matott was a very engaging presenter. He had students in stitches, while still reflecting on some deep messages about life and friendship. Our participation for the evening event was higher than it has ever been, and we think the enthusiasm created by Mr. Matott was the reason." Zak Martin, Principal - Vanderhoof Elementary
Who else could keep kids completely engaged for an hour? Justin Matott!!!
Thank you for teaching us so much today! I wish you could come every day!
Alexis Allan, Northeast Elementary School
January 2016
Seriously! Was the talk of the table tonight. Keeping a room full of kids engaged is one of the most difficult tasks ever and Mr. Matott nailed it!
Tyler read his whole book before we got home tonight.
Ry read all the way home and has kept with it for at least another hour since dinner. Thanks again!!!
February 2015 teacher quote after the morning assemblies. Sent to admin:
Thanks whoever had a plan for bringing in Justin Matott today.
The kids fully enjoyed it and many are more excited about writing than they were yesterday.
He was also very entertaining at lunch in the lounge. :)
A quote from a parent the day following an all day school visit in February 2015
I just had to take a minute to email you and tell you....WE LOVE JUSTIN MATOTT!
I drove the carpool after school and that was all the kids could talk about...I had a 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 5th grader in my car and they ALL loved the assembly! He spoke to all the ages and by that I mean he was able to connect with all of them. They cannot stop telling me how funny he is and what a good story teller he is - their words not mine. The cat stories are non-stop!
Kudos to you for inviting such a great speaker in to talk to the kids and two thumbs up to Justin for being able to reach and inspire young readers and writers. As a mom with 3 boys who are not known to be the biggest fans of writing, people like Justin are my heros! He makes it cool and fun. What an awesome role model - thank you!
What a fun thing for the kids to all be a part of, this assembly hit it out of the park!
Another quote from a parent the day following a school visit in February 2015
My son has talked non-stop since pickup about his time with Justin Matott today. He is rarely that excited about anything besides hockey and Clash of clans...he even said he was sad that his sister wasn't at school because she would have loved the day too! Kudos!!!
"I can't begin to say enough of the contagious energy Justin brings to a cause. He has made invaluable contributions to the Alyssa Cares Foundation through his generosity of time at the elementary schools we serve, as well as his ideas and enthusiasm. He has an incredible ability to connect with children and deliver a powerful message to children in regards to bullying, and in the case of our Foundation, the value of becoming a passionate reader." J. Hemmelgarn, President, Alyssa Cares Foundation
YOU ROCK! Thank you so much for all of your energy yesterday at our book fair. You are so inspirational (and hilarious) and have such a gift with my students. Not only did you inspire them to read and write, but you inspired them to be better human beings.
Mrs. Hollie Giannaula
St. Mary Catholic School
Littleton, Colorado
PS Some day you will have to tell us the story of "The Man in the Woods"
Letter to the PTA President from a parent: Thank you for sharing this awesome video of the amazing Justin Matott visit. A. and E. told me it was the best author visit ever and talked about it the entire car ride home that day. We are excited to give the special autographed copies of a couple of his books to my niece and nephew. We really appreciate you arranging great experiences like this at Hulstrom and I am so glad I can be part of making it happen with the PTA. :)
Thanks for everything,
S., Hulstrom Options PTA President
You just spent the morning enlightening and inspiring a group of children (and adults) in our shared hometown and I for one would like to send the standing ovation that you deserved! Thank you for every inch of the stitch you put in my side- some of us laughed so hard we cried, but most of all thank you for the mark you left on a few kiddos who needed to hear your tale. This mark, mark my words, will be an imprint, that will help many go forward into life open and willing to listen to their passions and chase them down.
Dear Mr. Matott,
My daughter is a 5th grader at Hulstrom K-8 and attended your presentation last week. You made a tremendous impression on her and she so enjoyed your talk! We've had authors visit the school before but you are the first one to really move my daughter. She spoke of how you were bullied and what an interesting speaker you are. "Mom, he was really there for us....I mean he didn't even try to make us buy his books!!" ;-) Well, we're buying your books anyway! And thanks for your selfless work! You made a difference to my 10 year old.
Best, H. S., Hulstrom parent